Our experience with teens, young adults, and families who seek our guidance clearly demonstrates that the community at large
is struggling to maintain a sense of peace within themselves and within their homes. For this reason, we will provide several weeks of inspiration to foster better communication and stronger relationships.
Finding peace is something we can all make happen. It will serve those we love. It will serve our community. And, it is a life’s work; a gentle, important, and calming piece of peace, one day at a time.
Reb Aryeh Levin (zt'l) was deservingly called the "tzaddik in our time." His sensitivity and love for people were unparalleled.
A story is told that when Reb Aryeh was about to get engaged,  he was a poor man with no resources. He told his soon-to-be-fiance that he had no dowry to offer her. But he told her something absolutely remarkable: "I have no dowry to offer you, so please accept the following commitment as your dowry. Any
disagreement we might have throughout our lives together, I commit to you that we will always take your position."
Another story is about Reb Aryeh's wife, who had pain in her leg. They went to the doctor together, and Reb Arye told the doctor,
"Our leg hurts us."
Reb Levin’s connection to his wife was so incredibly deep; It was as if they were indeed one.
Hashem pairs husbands and wives—He is the ultimate matchmaker. We must recognize that Hashem knows exactly what is best for us. Trusting in Hashem must also be trusting in
the spouse he provided for us. Ideally, one should accept the God-given spouse who Hashem delivers to us with open arms. The
relationship is formed and bound in Heaven. It's all part of Hashem's master plan.
It's one of many reasons we must look deeper into our connection with our spouse and try to live in harmony without strife and conflict. Shalom Bayis is obtained when we are totally committed to our spouses. We need to learn to respect and be giving to our spouse without conditions on a regular basis. We should strive to empathize with his/her situation at all times. The more we put the other's needs before our own, the more we receive a loving and
peaceful marriage in return.
May we nurture our marriages and create homes full of peace and harmony. 

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