Bullying is a harmful experience that can cause long-lasting damage to a child's development. Although the physical or verbal abuse may be brief, the emotional trauma can persist for a long time. Schools can combat this issue by implementing effective programs that support and guide both the bully and the victim.

Another approach to tackling bullying in schools is to create a peaceful environment that encourages children to become 'Upstanders' instead of 'Bystanders'. An 'Upstander' is an active observer who takes the initiative when witnessing a fellow student suffering. Instead of standing by and doing nothing, an 'Upstander' approaches the student, offers comfort, and speaks out against injustice. Becoming an 'Upstander' may not always be popular, but when the idea of nurturing peace permeates the school, ‘upstanding’ can become something we can encourage and celebrate.

The great sage Hillel the Elder said, “במקום שאין אנשים השתדל להיות איש - In a place where there are no men, strive to be a man" (Meseches Avos 2,5). This means that where there is no one else to take the initiative and assume responsibility, a person should take the mantle of leadership upon themselves. The Rabbenyu Yona, a commentary on Meseches Avos, explains that it is the fact that no one else is taking responsibility that creates the impetus for one to take responsibility.

In today's world, college campuses in the United States and Europe are plagued by hate. Let's be inspired to become an 'ish' (or leader)  and bring love and compassion to our talmidim.  By taking the reins of leadership and standing up against injustice, we can create a culture of peace and support where every child feels safe and valued. Let us strive to create a school environment where 'Upstanders' are celebrated and bullying and 'Bystanders' are not tolerated. Together, we can make a difference and nurture peace within our schools.

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